I have been horrible about updating so I need to get back up to speed with my life! Since my last post way back in December...
This year Jeff and I spent Christmas in Utah with The Allen's! We had lots of fun skiing, doing the family gift exchange and Breakfast at the Whipperman's house! Such a fun family!
Jeff as always was so nice and knows how much I missed my family around the holidays so we planned a trip to Arizona for new years and had a blast!

At the fanciest movie theater I have ever been to in Scottsdale!
Thanks for planning such a fun family day Mom!
We were even lucky enough to have Jeffs mom and dad join us!

Jeff made this awesome lego house for Tatum on New Years

At the Horne's for our annual New Years Eve Party!

Stapley Family Ugly Sweater Party was a big hit... Luckily for my mother-in-laws sweet collection of ugly sweaters I managed to put together the winning outfit! But I think if it were an ugly sweat pants party my dad definately would have won! He pulled those hot red pants from the 1980 never wear me again bin!

Our sad but cute little set of Christmas Trees!

Stalkings! Santa forgot to fill them but I am hoping he will remember next year :)
(also I know I am out of order but I am still learning this whole blog thing I promise to get with it!)